Stay in Paradise
Lodge Room
Couple - $170.00
Single - $100
per night $NZD
Couple - $170.00
Single - $100
per night $NZD
Dormitory/BackPacker Bunkhouse
per night $NZD
Camping/Camper Van (RV)
$30.00 per person
per night $NZD
Meals are available to order or you can be self catering using our guest kitchen. Our resident chef Pete creates fabulous and delicious meals.
Dinners $25
Breakfast and Lunch by arrangement
To make a reservation, please contact Peter at or phone (03) 525 9013
We don't have eftpos or credit card facilities, but we do welcome cash payments or internet bank deposits.
Local airport pick up/drop off $10.00 per car load.
Bank account details
Name: Autumn Farm
Branch: Nelson Building Society
Bank: Westpac
Account No: 03 1354 0299067 000
Swift Code: WPACNZ2W
Address: 111 Trafalgar Street, Nelson, 7010